Awesome Vegan Samosas

Samosas are simply one of my favorite things to eat, and so easy to make vegan. They are so delicious and have so many variations, how could you not give them at least a little love. They are an easy addition to a vegan diet, and are full of flavor...

Vegan Taco Pasta Bake

This is is one of the meals that I make at least once a week, if is flavorful, healthy, easy, and it makes for great leftovers to take to work for lunch. All of the ingredients are also part of my basic supplies list, so they are always on hand....

Sweet Maple Lemonade

Maple lemonade is the perfect thirst quenching summertime drink. Sweetened with maple syrup rather than sugar, this lemonade is refreshingly tart with just the right amount of sweetness. The flavors of fresh squeezed lemon and pure maple syrup leave you unable to consider buying lemonade form a store again. Lemonade...

Maple Pecan Pie

Pecan pie has always been one of my absolute favorite desserts. Adding maple to this decadent dessert brings out the richness of its flavors, and adds a uniqueness to this recipe so you can be sure that your guests will be pleasantly surprised. This maple pecan pie is also surprisingly...

Maple Fries with Molasses Drizzle

  Being a dad, french fries are a very common occurrence in my home. Sometimes we have a store brand, sometimes homemade, sometimes baked, sometimes fried, but they are certainly made often. The thing is, I enjoy having more variance in my meals than my moderately picky children. I also...