Sweet Maple Lemonade

Maple lemonade is the perfect thirst quenching summertime drink. Sweetened with maple syrup rather than sugar, this lemonade is refreshingly tart with just the right amount of sweetness. The flavors of fresh squeezed lemon and pure maple syrup leave you unable to consider buying lemonade form a store again. Lemonade...

Vegan Apple Cookies

The saying goes “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”. Does the same thing apply if you are eating apple cookies?  Really they are not that healthy, they are cookies after all, but they are vegan cookies, and they have an apple and use a bit less sugar than...

Vegan Biscuits of Greatness

This recipe is one of my favorites! Biscuits have always been one of my food loves. Even when I was young and mom was making them I would wait in the kitchen and eat them fresh out of the oven, as soon as they were cool enough not to burn...

Avocado Chocolate Pudding

Who doesn’t remember how exciting it was to open your lunch box as a kid and  find out that your Mom had packed a pudding cup for you! It was awesome!! But not only are those pudding cups not vegan, they are really not very good for you. That is...

Baked Cauliflower Bites

Not too many years ago I was not a huge fan of many vegetables other than corn and potatoes. Cauliflower had always been one of the vegetables that I thought was ok, so as I began transitioning to a plant based diet (a difficult start when you don’t normally eat...